Appearances in the Forest at Tryon Creek

In the fall of 2005, in the urban forest at Tryon Creek, a strange botanical sign was spotted in the brush. Specializing in befuddling events of the natural world, the Society for Nebulous Knowledge was called at once to...

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Appearances in the Forest at Tryon Creek 

In the fall of 2005, in the urban forest at Tryon Creek, a strange botanical sign was spotted in the brush. It simply stated YES. Specializing in befuddling events of the natural world, the Society for Nebulous Knowledge was called at once to investigate. Our findings are conclusive: evidently noting our manner of learning, Nature communicated her messages to us via the signs usually reserved for its classification. The details and historical context for this remarkable occurrence were outlined for the public through a display at the trailhead, where visitors were invited to contribute any messages they perceived directly from Nature, should these become apparent during the visit. Hundreds of messages were collected from the public and catalogued in our archives. Over the course of four seasons, we observed countless new botanical signs. We place the task of careful interpretation of these messages to the individual.
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